to break the ski jump and ski flying world records you need a hill bigger than standard competition ski jumps. Olympic medallist and FIS World Cup Champion Ryōyū Kobayashi and his team headed to Akureyri in northern Iceland, and carved a special kicker out of snow on the side of the mountain with the single intention of creating a jump big enough to smash world records 🎿

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    • 2

      I have fallen right onto the lip of the jump before, getting my first injuries already before tumbling off the end of it and getting air…which then helped produce even more injuries when I eventually landed.
      Suffice to say that tumbling through the air sideways and upside down isn’t very aerodynamic so the distance achieved wasn’t long.

    • 3

      I’d say about 1 1/2 yards, but thats just cuz i’ve crashed near the top of the jump and rolled the rest of the way.

    • 5

      I would be confident that i get 200 Meters if i can change the gates. But i am retired so a little Training before is needed.😅

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