Prosecutor Hank Brennan introduced new videos in the Karen Read case to push back at accusations from the Defense. Plus, as Donna Adelson’s motion for bond is denied, a look at what’s next in her upcoming case.

00:00 Opening Statements with Julie Grant
02:01 Julie’s Opening Statement
03:48 DAILY DOCKET 3/6/25
05:03 TOP STORY – Prosecutor introduces New Karen Read videos
17:57 TRENDING TRUE CRIME – Donna Adelson denied bond
27:02 SPOTLIGHT – KY Sheriff insane?
36:17 TIPPING THE SCALES – CA v. Monica Sementilli “hitman” testimony

Watch #OpeningStatements with #JulieGrant weekday mornings 8/7c on #CourtTV LIVE

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  1. 1

    00:00 Opening Statements with Julie Grant
    02:01 Julie’s Opening Statement
    03:48 DAILY DOCKET 3/6/25
    05:03 TOP STORY – Prosecutor introduces New Karen Read videos
    17:57 TRENDING TRUE CRIME – Donna Adelson denied bond
    27:02 SPOTLIGHT – KY Sheriff insane?
    36:17 TIPPING THE SCALES – CA v. Monica Semintilli “hitman” testimony

    Watch #OpeningStatements with #JulieGrant weekday mornings 8/7c on #CourtTV LIVE

    • 2

      Julie Grant why are you clipping pieces together to look favorable to the Commonwealth? If you watched the video you would know there were several videos several hours of videos that were withheld from the defense, not only that the Commonwealth actually presented in court in front of the world, a video that they played using a video editor. They did not even bother to get out of the editing portion showing right there that they are clearly altering videos follow the case before you misinformed the public, you are absolutely responsible for reporting accurate information, and you are purposely clipping things together to inform the public of this case inaccurate information. It is your due diligence to use your platform responsibly yet you are on a hate campaign for some reason against Karen and you are misinforming and flat out lying by doing that what is going on with the case you are being extremely irresponsible I do not see a disclaimer of your opinions on this video. You should be doing better. You have something against her that is obvious to everyone that’s why you are talked about in a negative manner all across the Internet because of your misrepresentation and it would be different if you had your own personal non-court TV related channel, but you are using court TV to Misinform inaccurate information and avoid the actual information that should be very made aware of to the public! This is an embarrassment that you are still allowed to do this. Why don’t you talk to Vinny Politan and get the accurate information you are doing this on purpose now you have made this very clear that you are trying to mislead your viewers. This is a stain on court TV to keep allowing you to speak on this case, I really question your motive.

    • 3

      You’re great Julie – keep up the good work – you are the only one on Court TV who isn’t defending Karen Read but rather telling the obvious truth about her actions.

  2. 5

    I have no doubt the hateful immoral self-absorbed trio of Charlie, Donna and Wendy Adelson sees the son in-law as a simple annoyance to be bought off or taken out, which ever worked out in their power hungry money lusting short sited little pea brains.

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