1883 Season 1 Episode 9
“1883” is a historical drama series produced by Paramount+, created and executive produced by Oscar-nominated writer Taylor Sheridan, who also created “Yellowstone.” The series tells the story of the Dutton family as they traverse the Great Plains many years ago, heading toward the untamed American frontier in search of a new home and new opportunities in Montana, hoping for a better life in the future.The story focuses on the Dutton family’s journey westward many years ago as they traverse the Great Plains toward the last frontier of America. In the promised land of Montana, they seek a better future. Elliott plays the tough cowboy Shea Brennan, who has a deeply tragic past and takes on the daunting task of leading a group of people from Texas to Montana, showing no tolerance for foolishness. McGraw and Hill portray the Dutton family’s patriarch and matriarch, James and Margaret.#movie #shorts
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Praying hasn’t been working for me either. However, in the past it did. Just because I am not in God’s favor today, doesn’t meen he has forsaken me. Always have Faith and hope!
Taylor Sheridan doesn’t care about facts.
@ clearly
I never seen them break the arrow off of the front, only the back of the arrow.. you’re supposed to break off the arrow part, then pull it through allowing the part that had the arrow through the skin. Then carterize. But you have to do that from the inside out. That’s maybe why she died too.