Why Single-Origin Coffee Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider 2

Single-origin specialty coffee can cost over $30 per pound, more than five times the average price of 1 pound of ground coffee in the US. “Specialty” is the term for the highest-quality coffee, and aficionados describe its taste with words more frequently used by sommeliers, like “floral” or “fruity.” Reaching this level of quality requires investment and labor at every step of production. But despite the prices a roasted bag of single-origin coffee can reach in the world’s wealthiest countries, the farmers who handpick each coffee cherry struggle to earn a profit.

We went to Kenya to find out what it takes to grow high-quality coffee, and why it’s so expensive.

Intro 0:00
Growing coffee 0:44
Harvesting 2:01
Commodity vs. specialty coffee 2:56
Sorting 4:23
Washed process 5:09
Roasting 6:46
Drying and Milling 10:13
The price of coffee 11:48

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Why Single-Origin Coffee Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider

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  1. It’s the same story of the cartel system,
    The poor countries grow and produce the coffee, the Europeans invent all kinds of laws and regulations, and through this method 80 90 percent of the profit goes to them without growing a single grain of coffee beans.

  2. 10:40 “Most farmers work very hard under harsh weather conditions year-round in poor countries in Africa, they deserve better life and higher income !”

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