Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Ben Affleck sits down with Kevin Hart to discuss his infamous ‘resting b***h face,’ and an unforgettable moment with Jennifer Lopez and his kids in season 4 of the comedian’s Peacock talk show, ‘Hart to Heart.’

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36 thoughts on “Watch Ben Affleck Address His ‘Resting B***h Face’”
  1. It’s a poker face and it’s an asset in life .. I support this guy and never got that from him .. There’s nothing negative about Ben Affleck at all . Great guy love his films .

    1. Could not agree more and it don’t matter that he got resting bitch face I would have one if the Pazz are always taking pictures of me.

  2. I’m so sick of this story I want THROW UP. And I’m also a Leo 19 August. Same day as Bill Clinton. But it could’ve been worse. It could’ve been the same day as Monica Lewinsky. Ha ha ha. Leos move on quickly just FYI. We don’t have time for emotional dramas. We HATE it. Watersigns love that shit..

    1. @@duchess2412 bro Affleck is living the dream both his wives are smoking hot. His first divorce was amicable he is not even paying Garner alimony probably only money for the kids which he is probably paying more voluntarily than what she would get in court mandated child support. He still has keys and access to their former family home where she and the kids live.

  3. I can relate to this. When am quiet or thinking or just relaxing people ask what’s wrong and sometimes it’s annoying. It’s like my teeth have to be showing all the time. Please give Ben a break

    1. Exactly and I matter how many times you tell them you have rbf they still act super afraid and insecure it’s so draining being around people who need constant reassurance

    2. @@danidiaz2377 I think also the expectation that people have to be grinning all the time is silly. We have different moods. There are people who are super jovial but even they can’t be smiling all the time. You need time for serious thought, calm, processing, reflection, etc and all that can’t be done when you are grinning. You have to quiet your brain

  4. Everyone respect it ben the first time he dump her in 2000 but how stupid or lonely you have 2 be 2 go back and married her this time knowing she is still the same fame adicted girl

  5. It’s a show where everybody is taller then him. The host. She doesn’t mean to much, too me, but it is Hollywood Stuff. Each too his own. Poker face good! This way, we dunno, what’s up wit yu!

  6. Not buying it. It’s one thing to have RBF, but when RBF accompanies slamming of car doors, rolling of the eyes, looking miserable around his spouse while in public AND in front of the hundreds of paparazzis, it’s hard to believe him. Plus, not defending her or clearing things up knowing the intense hate and bullying she’s been subjected to, speaks volumes. Nice try, though.

  7. People in the comment section like “he looks so miserable all the time that must be proof there’s something wrong “after him just saying he has rbf is why I stopped trying to explain to people I’m not mad it’s just rbf. i just let them come to thier own conclusions now cuase ppl are to stupid. Don’t waste your breath Ben

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