When 14-year-old Jermaine Cools is walking home from a school and a fight breaks out, he is attached with a machete.
Jermaine’s family is devastated when he succumbs to his injuries and the community is left reeling, wondering why someone would do such a thing to a young boy.
Murdered At First Sight is a true crime documentary series that tells the first-hand stories of the most complex and hard-to-solve homicide cases: murders committed by strangers.
#JermaineCools #MurderofJermaineCools #TeenageKiller #MarquesWalker #KnifeCrime #MacheteMurder #JermaineCoolsCCTV #MurderedatFirstSight #NewTrueCrime #FilmRiseTrueCrime #TrueCrimeDocumentary #TrueCrimeFullEpisode
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I am so sorry for your loss
Marcus walker is a evil child,it makes no sense to kill JERMAINE!!!he sounded like such a lovely child he was handsome GOD BLESS IS SOUL CONDOLENCES TO THA FAMILY
A knife? That was a fucking sword. Wtf