“The Green Promise” (1949), directed by William D. Russell, follows the Matthews family’s journey after purchasing a farm. When the father sustains a serious injury, his four children are left to manage the farm. Deborah, the eldest daughter, and her younger sister Susan step up to lead the family, aided by the assistance of a charming local agricultural agent. As they navigate the challenges of running the farm and coping with their father’s injury, they discover the importance of resilience, determination, and community support.
If you don’t like the colourisation, you can watch the black and white version that I upscaled to 4K at 60fps here https://youtu.be/OerPnwjFOtk
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1929 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed.
I downloaded this film from The Archive under public domain mark 1.0.
I used an RTX4090 with Ryzen9 CPU and 128GB RAM along with AVCLabs to upscale and colourise this movie.
You can view the IMDB here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0041431/
I download #classicmovies from The Archive under public domain mark 1.0, each one I upscale and #colorize
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For those who wanted the black and white version, I have enhanced the original in 4K at 60fps, it worked out really well I think, you can watch that here https://youtu.be/OerPnwjFOtk
Much appreciate the efforts. I subscribed.
This motion picture was fascinating in color. Well-written and heartwarming.
Thank you for sharing. 😊🌻