Sent to prison after the gruesome torture and murder of a mother of six, Jaime Osuna’s chilling facial tattoos are not the only thing that makes a splash behind bars. Osuna descends into satanic practices and viscously attacks, tortures, and kills his cellmate. His behavior sends chills down the spines of the guards, who hesitate to enter his cell.
World’s Most Evil Prisoners is a chilling exploration of the terrifying offenders sentenced to a lifetime behind bars. Locked away, yet still driven by their twisted desires, these inmates delve into acts of torture, abduction, and homicide. Prepare to confront the criminals from the darkest facets of humanity.
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I have to shake my head at all his satanic b.s. All the tattoos and devil crap is just his way of trying to scare people. He’s a coward afraid of the death penalty.
They put mad dogs down.
This sick monster is the product of another dick monster! People realize how much abuse can effect a childhood into adulthood! That’s no excuse I realize. But if he wasn’t abused I feel his life would have been much different?
He looks like a clown. Why does he continue to take up space and O2?
She is as bright as a burnt out light bulb!