Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Shifty Shellshock, Crazy Town Frontman and Butterfly Singer, Dies at 49

Crazy Town frontman Shifty Shellshock has died. He was 49. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner confirms he died Monday at home.

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19 thoughts on “Shifty Shellshock, Crazy Town Frontman and Butterfly Singer, Dies at 49”
  1. Shouldn’t of happened .we can save our friends .you must reach deep.sumday you will be afraid and sad .this life is not for the faint of 💜 must care first .help second .open your eyes people .. Dale fuckin bozzio

  2. Sad news! I loved that song Butterfly,reminds me of a great time in life! 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️Rest with the Angels!

  3. They play the song at work a couple times a week, when they played it monday morning, i got curious of how he was doing and how old he was, forgot to look him up yesterday, then seen this news today, so weird and sad. R.I.P

  4. Shifty was a huge part of my childhood, butterfly was the first song I knew all of the lyrics to I remember rapping it to my family in the car. I still have his songs on my Spotify playlist.RIPShifty⭐️🦋🍄👽

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