Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Sherri Papini’s Ex-Husband Breaks 7-Year Silence on Her Kidnapping Hoax

Sherri Papini’s ex-husband, Keith, breaks his silence on his ex-wife’s kidnapping hoax seven years later in an interview with ‘Good Morning America.’ Keith opens up about believing the claims Sherri made over the years before she ultimately pleaded guilty to lying to a federal officer in 2022, after an investigation found she wasn’t actually abducted. Keith’s decision to speak out about the hoax comes ahead of the release of Hulu’s three-part docuseries, ‘Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini,’ which premieres on June 20.

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23 thoughts on “Sherri Papini’s Ex-Husband Breaks 7-Year Silence on Her Kidnapping Hoax”
  1. What she did wasn’t okay but maybe she was fighting demons noone knew about, she just needed to run, she needed a break and she didn’t know how to say that to her kids or her husband. But she knew dad would keep the kids safe

    1. if you look into the case, she has a history of lying since childhood (+ racism) and she was having an online affair with her ex boyfriend pior to the staged kidnapping. she staged the incident so she can go on a vacation with her ex boyfriend.

  2. Far out to that load of BS! Divorce the only way. Keith seems like a very decent man and what a thing to happen then finding out she made the whole thing up.

  3. She craves attention! From all the photos, she EXAGGERATES her smile & her eyes are SOULESS. Keith should have stopped dating her once he found out she was married. He believed her story of her husband abusing her. I hope Keith, the children, & the Papini family heal & move on. Keith deserves to find a decent loving woman someday.

  4. I was living where she lives now just a couple years ago, I still have friends up there. I’m told the community is not too happy she moved in, I don’t know where in my old town. But I’d bet she’s keeping a low profile, especially in such a small town. I read she gets an hour a week ? Or something like that , supervised visitation with there kids. Learning about the alcohol thing she did to her kids, she definitely should not ever have custody. Just my opinion, she should be in serious counseling. One can only hope

  5. I know she had childhood trauma. So did her sister. Yet her sister isn’t a part of anything like this. Many of us had a difficult childhood. There is something fundamentally wrong with her.

  6. Sherri is a cold-blooded sociopath. She didn’t care in the slightest about her poor children or husband. Her children will forever carry the stigma that their mom is a well-known lunatic. Her husband was viewed as a suspect and potential murderer. Innocent Hispanic women were looked at suspiciously. Yet she continued with her lies without a care in the world. And why? For what reason? Just to get away from real life for a few weeks? I hope she spends the rest of her life suffering as much as she made others suffer.

  7. Someone needs to look into Sherri’s current boyfriend. His wife died mysteriously 4 days after she told him she wanted a divorce?…the only person that would date someone like Sherri is someone who has some big secrets themselves

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