Shaq dances with Jabbawockeez at All Star 3


  1. Sam hyde and nick rocheforte accidentally stumbled upon some Black Freemason BOULET shit right here, they were watching boolet bootl;eg videos of weird freemasonic black alice inw odnerland shit and they joked “Oh they got the jabberwokeez?” and then nick mentioned shaq being a freemason and callin him out ๐Ÿ˜€ but they never put two and two together, i was screamin through the screen liek ‘BRO ITS RIGHT HERE just LOOK UP BOTh those things !” hah they are like leavin clues for their own people. i mean at the end of the day its just a business network that takes care of its own.

  2. I know people be on shap about if he had kobe mentality he’d be the goat but this righ here is what’s missing players genuinely having fun

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