Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

See Celine Dion Suffer Intense Seizure in New Documentary

Dion put her battle with Stiff Person Syndrome on full dispay in her new documentary, ‘I Am: Celine Dion.’

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20 thoughts on “See Celine Dion Suffer Intense Seizure in New Documentary”
  1. Omg seeing her suffering in pain brought tears to my eyes. Didnt know it was so severe. No one deserves to suffer like this😢 Wish she gets well completely🙏

  2. We love you Celine!!! Breaks my heart to see you in pain but at the same time you show me what hope, courage and believing looks like and I thank you for that. I have nothing but admiration and so much respect for you. Wish you all the best and more. ❤️ This is truly the power of love ❤️

  3. Why does she share her details of illness…it is so heartbreaking…she can retire from singing…i know it is love of her life…but at what cost….

  4. What I love the most about Celine is how real she is, she is not trying to be someone else..she is her true self with everything, every emotion…her kindness and politeness towards everyone is so rare and beautiful🥹 I can’t express how much she helped me in my life and seeing her suffering like this knowing there is nothing I can do to help her is so hard💔 I am so grateful she’s doing better now and hope it’ll continue, love this courageous woman so much!❤️‍🩹

  5. Celine Dion , creio que todo esse sofrimento, tera uma solução, seja forte garota você é uma pessoa incrível determinada, guerreira, nada vai derrubar você, nos que te adoramos com a sua voz, sua música, é pura energia do bem. Creio que todos estamos
    rezando pela sua recuperação.
    Estamos juntos sempre te apoiando. Eu creio nós te amamos muito. Você merece ser feliz sempre.

  6. Que de souffrance. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous… En espérant que la science trouve un médicament pour vous soulager. Vous êtes une battante. Vous nous apportez tellement en chantant! Je vous envoie peut être un peu de réconfort. Battez vous. Anne.

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