Northern Israel prepares for potential Hezbollah conflict | BBC News 3

People living in Haifa in Northern Israel are preparing for a potential conflict with the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah.

The leader of Hezbollah has said the response to the Israeli assassination of a senior commander in Beirut is coming.

He added that the group might act alone or in co-ordination with other Iranian-supported factions in the region.

Countries around the world have urged their citizens to leave Lebanon in recent days, amid concerns that a possible attack from the heavily armed Hezbollah on Israel could lead to a wider war between the two sides.

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  1. Muy triste que el conflicto siga, muy triste que muera mas gente cada dia, muy triste que la gente opine viva tal o cual como si fuera un partido de futbol. Nada justifica matar a otro, nada justifica la venganza, nada justifica ver el sufrimiento de niños y no decir basta. Pero el ser humano no aprende, repite horrores y ahora no hay excusas, todos los vemos, todos vemos la destruccion, el odio, la venganza. Todos vemos como la gente muere mientras los que dan las ordenes disfrutan de su vida lejos de las zonas de guerra promoviendo el odio. La guerra solo trae mas odio y venganza. Eso el ser humano ya lo deberia haber aprendido

  2. You want to lifesped when he killed all them people All them Israelis all his own people his whole army he got killed instead of being a real man in a real leader and falling on his sword for his people to stay alive He’s going to fight because he thinks world opinion would change and a couple of years are now people are not even going to know what the f*** Palestine is

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