A Jonas Brothers concert in Prague was temporarily paused Tuesday night after Nick Jonas was targeted by a laser pointer, resulting in him dashing off the stage. In footage from the event obtained by Access Hollywood, the singer is seen throwing a “time out” sign up with his hands as he bolts off the stage. When zooming in on the clip and slowing it down, it seemingly shows the red laser dot pointed at Nick’s head for a second. The concert did ultimately resume, according to a representative from the O2 arena who confirmed it to Access. “We can confirm that the Jonas Brothers’ performance had to be interrupted for several minutes due to the use of a prohibited laser pointer by the person. The organizing service responded to this fact immediately. After a few minutes, the band continued their performance and went back on the stage.” Access Hollywood has reached out to the Jonas Brothers for comment.
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This was honestly a smart move.
My question is, what does Nick Jonas have going on in his personal life that he would feel like someone snuck a rifle into a crowded venue
Feel sad for him. Even if its a toy Laser light or anything, one should not use these things in a public space. This can give a panic attack to anybody. They are public figure, whose lives are always at risk. Joking around with these things should be given proper punishment. Also, I don’t find any funny thing here to laugh at.
My soul would come out seeing those red light on my head.
Its not funny at all
I would also run if a lazer was pointed at my head