More mysterious drones are caught on camera flying above New York and New Jersey.
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It should be pretty obvious to anyone that this is a time-lapse video with a different background audio track. The last video was an airplane. Nothing has changed much since Orson Welles’ “War Of the Worlds” broadcast of 1938.
But the fictional broadcast that fooled some people on that occasion (folks who evidently forgot it was Halloween) presented a scenario of merciless attack, not mere unknown visitors.
@@anonymoushuman8344 – Yes, I know. But the idea of fear based on media overkill is more or less causing a similar emotional reaction.
When I was growing up you followed those lights to the strip club location. They had huge batman lights.
That isn’t droans. No clue what but not droans foresure.
These are autonomous drones deployed from Madison Avenue to abduct New Jersey citizens for focus groups.