Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

New Castle After Dark presents What ever happened to Aunt Alice?

An aging widow hides a deadly secret which she will do anything to keep buried.

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10 thoughts on “New Castle After Dark presents What ever happened to Aunt Alice?”
  1. Cant handle the women who is acting so hard to be hated …. There’s enough rude horrible people in the real world , without me watching this in my spare time 😮

  2. I saw this movie when I was a teen. It was creepy. I watch this movie again as an adult and realze what great Actresses Geraldine Page and Ruth Gordon are in this. What a good thriller!

  3. Thank you for this. One of my favorites. I love Ruth Gordon in anything she does. She just has such a natural way of selling it.

  4. It may be an old and dated, but it is still an excellent film starring two great actresses. Thanks very much for sharing.

  5. “You could have lasted quite a few years .. I saw many happy years ahead for both of us!!”.. LOL

  6. Page and Gordon are two of the greatest actresses of all time. I used to love it when this movie came on TV.

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