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Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food by using my link. Plus, you get FREE shipping! @thefarmersdog #thefarmersdog #tfdpartner
Steve, if I were you I would bite the bullet and put a fresh engine in it that you machined yourself. Not dart or Bailey but you with all the improvements you have made along the way. It’s your name on it and using the best stuff you have instead of the old beat up prototype will likely be better for your reputation and bottom line business. Win on Sunday sell on Monday. Put your best foot forward and keep on trucking. It’s time.
High acceleration and hard breaking makes the crankshaft go backwards and forwards.
@stevemorrisracing Could the copious amounts of brake clean/starter fluid that Cleetus uses have anything to do with the lifter issues? Just spitballing here. I don’t know much about engines but that can’t be good right?
Question!!!!! So if it’s the clearance between trans and torque converter that causes the crank to walk back and forth and destroy the bearing on the SMX and the only thing Garrett changed was the switch to his old Big Block Chevy. Isn’t he gonna have the same walking problem with the new engine? Seems like he should be warned so you don’t have to rebuild the rebuilt big block?
Ole Cleet sure knows how to pop a motor… lol
This is so PERFECT! I wanted to see this engine live again and now we can see how it runs when properly utilized. Your or Val’s Camaro will be the perfect platform.
I think its the turbos poking through the hood collecting junk esp on drag and drive
25:23 Might request every SMX owner run that special lube treatment, that you discovered.