Menendez Brothers Asking California Governor Gavin Newsom For Clemency | TMZ Live 4

Erik and Lyle Menendez are gunning to be released from prison before Thanksgiving and their legal team has a new strategy for freeing the brothers … seeking clemency from California’s governor.


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Views: 45


  1. somebody please explain to me how an 18yo man was still letting his father SA him? he couldnt fight back at that age as an adult? plus Erik was strong because he was a great tennis player so he wasnt some kind of a weak little boy. Very suspicious

    1. Oh my god really? Being a victim has nothing to do with your physical strength. People of all sizes get assaulted, it’s about the PSYCHOLOGY.

      Firstly, many respected psychologists and psychiatrists evaluated the brothers and gave their testimonies, and not ONE said that the brothers were lying. All experts unanimously declared that the brothers were victims of EXTREME, prolonged and brutal abuse of all kinds imaginable, leaving them with PTSD and Battered Person Syndrome.

      People suffering from battered person syndrome after years of se*ual, physical and psychological violence have such a significant impact on their state of mind that they develop anxiety, a feeling of helplessness and a perception inability to escape the abusive relationship.

      This father was a terrifying person according to ADULT family members, teachers, neighbours. He also threatened both sons with d*ath if they ever told anyone. This father cut the dog’s head off and put it in the fridge. He’s a rich and powerful Hollywood executive, bigger than life and feared by all.
      Imagine you grow up in that violence and terror and threat, every day.
      The psychology of victims of domestic abuse or of child se*ual abuse, is very complex. If you wanted to do some research, It will help you make more sense as to WHY they couldn’t leave.
      But also an 18 year old is legally an adult but are they actually an adult? We know the brain of a normal person only matures around 25, but that development is much different for someone that experienced extreme and repeated trauma. The psychiatrist that evaluated Erik and Lyle also testified that their emotional ages at the time of the m*rders were 8 and 12 respectively, which is a common effect of child sa.
      Please understand that the COULDNT fight back. They couldn’t say no or tell anyone because no one would have done anything.
      please look into the expert testimonies and you’ll understand.

    2. When you are emotionally, physically, verbally, and psychologically abused starting before you are 2 years old, as Erik was, and then sexually abused starting at 6 years old, it is absolutely understandable and believable that even by the time he was a strong, young man at 18, he was so traumatized and in fear of his dad that he wasn’t able to stop him.

    3. One time Erik told his father no and tried to fight him off…he had a knife held to his throat as a result.

  2. lol now everyone wants them out after 30 years? What a fkg joke they never should have been in there! Jesus oj Simpson was let go for two murders!

  3. They murdered their parents.

    There’s no proof of the allegations they made against their parents, people (or should I say WOMEN) are just taking the word of convicted murderers.

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