Fuck Your Dichotomy | Soapboxing
Alok Vaid-Menon joined the R29 Soapboxing team to talk about dichotomy, f*ck it.
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You cannot be a woman to begin with! You are a male person aka a man
It’s a
Hairy man and two woman
1) descartes would not support this bs
2) don’t use the struggle of african americans to further your political movement.
3) “our individualistic society is REALLY egocentric” says the egocentric group of performers lmfaoo what????
4) nobody ever said you have to look like a “cis” person, we just don’t understand how you being feminine makes you genderless. you’re a feminine man. biology makes you a man. gender isn’t even real, y’all even say this, and yet, you create genders for no reason. we are all just people. it’s sexist to think otherwise honestly.
5) femininity isn’t even real. think about it: a woman in her natural state is seen as masculine. body hair, no makeup. femininity is a bullshit patriarchal performance for men anyways. and you’re pushing that performance so you can fit into the male gaze honestly! sounds fetishy to me.
6) i identified as trans for 6 YEARS. 6 YEARS of living my life as a man because people told me that since i was masculine and had dysphoria about my curves, i was a man. these same people that are so opposed to being forced into a gender are forcing other people into other genders too. fuck all the way off.
7) it’s a dichotomy because there’s only 2. get the fuck over it. your sex/gender are the same. this doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself however you see fit and want to present, however, you are still whatever you started as.
8) it’s all trans rights and give people hormones but no one wants to talk about the long term effects of hormones, specifically testosterone on female bodies. testosterone literally destroys intact working organs. trans “men” have to get hysterectomies or die once they start T. i have permanent rib and back damage from binding for 6 years, even using a “safe” GC2B binder that the trans community hails as the safest option. TRANSITIONING IS NOT SAFE. YOU ARE A HUMAN GUINEA PIG IF YOU MEDICALLY TRANSITION.
9) any other dysphoric/dysmorphic disorder is treated with therapy. letting someone with body dysmorphia get plastic surgery doesn’t work because they will not be satisfied. the push of doctors insisting that transitioning is the only solution reminds me of the opioid crisis, how rather than treating sources of pain, doctors were handing out oxys like candy. you’re pushing to address the symptom rather than the MENTAL ILLNESS at hand. it’s not sustainable.
10) stop pushing this narrative. it is KILLING people. your shit statistics on trans women dying are fake, they’ve been proven false. i know i personally almost killed myself over the bullying from the trans hive mind when i detransitioned. stop following a fucking cult and QUESTION THIS SHIT.
Are we supposed to take this shit seriously? This just looks like an SNL skit.
So was this a college project?