Man in the Middle is a 1964 British-American CinemaScope war film and starring Robert Mitchum and directed by Guy Hamilton. The movie, set in World War II India, tells the story of the murder trial of an American Army officer who killed a British soldier. Mitchum plays Lieutenant Colonel Barney Adams, who has been assigned as the accused man’s defence counsel. The film is also known as The Winston Affair, the title of the novel the film was based on, which was written by Howard Fast.
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“Just because you can’t lick ’em, doesn’t mean you have to join ’em”. First time I have heard that and I am not going to ever forget it!
A big Ooops! Psychology is not connected with any aspects of the human condition, neither medical or mental.
Great actors and movie in that era.
Keenan Wynn is only about 25 years too old to be playing a 2LT. He was actually a year older than Mitchum.