Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

From all the freaky filters, to drinking out of a dog bowl, we are taking a look back at all of Madonna’s creepy TikTok and Instagram videos that helped make a bizarre 2022!

#madonna #socialmedia #instagram #tiktok #celebrities

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23 thoughts on “Madonna’s most bizarre TikTok and Instagram videos of 2022 | Page Six Celebrity News”
  1. These are the celebrities influencing our teenage daughters and sons. American culture excels and leads the world in degeneracy… and I say this as an American.

  2. Madonna reminds me of Chyna it’s sad what happened to Chyna she got botox and was on tons of drugs

    1. That’s literally one of the dumbest things that anyone has ever said. Ever. 😂

  3. Madonna is seriously gross. I hate old woke disgusting people. Let’s try and find positive energy.

  4. She is a 65-year old woman scared of not getting attention and of dying as an old woman, doing everything to hold age back. The horrible plastic surgery makes her look possessed. She forgets that being alive into an older age is actually a blessing to be grateful for.

  5. IMO, Modanna looks like a Swollen Cabbage Patch Kid. In 3 more years she will look like a Zombie Garbage Pale Kid. Disgusting.

  6. This is a prime example of Fame Money and Being Loved And Adored does to people they go insane… because they need it to satisfy themselves and Madonna was always desperate for Attention no matter how she got it and now Madonna has crossed over to sad and many people now are making fun of her… Madonna get some help please… Even when your rich and famous people turn against you and they won’t want you anymore b/c your too old and fame and money leaves you empty and with nothing*** I don’t hate Madonna I feel sorry for her… she needs help.

  7. Madonna has cross the line from attention seeking to just being sad lonely and depressed and unhinged someone please help her before its too late..

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