Killing Season – Full Movie 7

Oscar winner Robert De Niro (“Raging Bull”) and Oscar nominee John Travolta (“Pulp Fiction”) star as two Bosnian War veterans hunting each other in this thrilling game of cat and mouse.

#freemovies #moviesondemand #fullmovie

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    1. Please help me. I’m being held prisoner in a nursing home by my sons Austin and Luke Francis. I am only 62 years old and in the best shape of my life. I have no access to my money, a car or my life. Please help me!

  1. Christian & Jewish people never stops doing genocide on Muslims, they take turn one at a time. Every decade Christian take turn murdering Muslims, then Jews it never stops murdering Muslims then they say God is on their side for murdering Muslims then they go on their life until their soul wants more blood of Muslims, then they go more hunting Muslims to drink blood of Muslims.
    Did the Christians stop murdering Muslims after doing genocide on Bosnian-Muslims no they gave turn to Jews & Israel to take turn murder more Muslims in the name of Democracy, in the name of Jesus Saves & Jesus Loves & Jews said we are chosen people of God then they do same torture, same rape & same savage what the Christian did to Muslims, then they both say Muslims started & slander Muslims to do more murder Muslims & put their sins on Muslims to get away from their war-monger crimes & war-criminals.
    Karma will come to Monster-Christians & Monster-Jews it will no one gets away from their crimes & from their murders, we Muslims we are the one chosen people not Jews or Christians because we are the only one that believes in true Jesus Christ & true prophet Moses, Allah says it in Holy Koran of Islam that Jews & Christians-Catholics what ever they call them self’s, they lost the kingdom in heaven & kingdom on earth.
    Life is karma, who ever does good or evil it will come same to them.
    Look at Christian world never finds peace, never. Jewish world they are devils-children Bibles says it.
    Jews-Christians, those who does evil, all the evil they are doing it in the name for Zionism, Hell of Zionism is waiting for them, 100% after life, Holy Book of Islam Koran says it!!!! Evil-Doers will go eternal life of hell planet, good doers will go eternal life heaven. It does not matter who did evil, when the evil-doers die, true life of torture is waiting for them, Insha’Allah, amen!!! Allah Almighty-Allah says what the Christians & Jews became Atheist & Evil-doers Allah gave the chosen people to be to the Muslims.
    Heaven is for good people, hell is for evil-doers, everyone chose where you want to go afterlife. Die how you lived, woke up how you have died, Allah-God says it. Humans will die how they lived, they will resurrect how they died, it is that simple!!!
    Human beings we all have choice how we want to live on this earth live good or evil, choice is ours, what about those who were murdered inhumane way, they will go to heaven, but their killers will suffer same way afterlife same way what they did to humans, to animals & to the nature & earth.
    Human beings does not matter what & whom we believe, what matters is what have we done on this earth, that is how God-Allah will judge human beings.
    Afterlife we human beings we all going to see, who were people of God-Allah, everyone’s book of justice will be given to them after resurrection on judgement day of God-Allah.
    Everyone calls their god different names, it does not matter, there is one creator of all creatures, humanity will see true god afterlife, face to face but those will go hell will not see shadow of God, Allah-God says it in Holy Koran.
    We Muslims we will see all the messengers of God-Allah if we are the one will go heaven if not we will see the face of enemy of Iblis-Demon in hell. See God-Allah gives freedom to Muslims too, whom we should believe or not, we chose to believe Allah-God, we will go to heaven but we must confess for our sins & not to do again same sins & same crimes.
    God of Jesus Christ & God of Moses & all prophets are Almighty-Allah-God, those who deny that, they can go to hell or chose to go heaven & accept Islam too, choices is non-Muslims. Be what ever you want & who ever you want, your choice is your destiny, cannot accuse anyone because you did not believe only one God-Allah unseen God.
    Can we say I did not believe almighty creator, to believe in one god it is inside every human beings, that is why children ask where did I come from, see, every human beings wants to know where did I come from, if God-Allah or Almighty creator did not exists then why every human child asks where did they come from, because God-Allah programed our human-brains to say that & know that.
    Worse of hell punishment will be those who tortured & abused the innocent animals & those who stopped human beings believing in God, blasphemy will be punished worse, of course those who tortured & murdered humans, they will live over & over same crimes they did on earth, really.
    Israhells karma is coming to them too, what they are doing to Palestinians & to middle east Christians what they abuse & inhuman treatments Jews are doing to them, then Christians-crimes, war-monger crimes, then to the others as well.
    Look everyone will have time to get their Karma before they die, they think they got away for their crimes but it comes to their children & grandchildren doesn’t it, see no one gets away from their evil-crimes & ruthless murder they do, their offspring pays their sins, if this is not true then why is it, awful things happen to people, what was their sins & crimes, right, everyone pays their ancestors crimes & murders, that is Karma.
    I don’t think humans sins goes away after they die, then why their children & grandchildren does same evilness, if everyone’s sins & crimes are forgiven on earth???
    I am a Muslims woman, I ask my self, what is it that I did it, I am tested like this & suffering was my sins that bad, why did I do sins & many mistake like my parents, that is what I don’t understand, are all humans cursed from our ancestors crimes, seem like it.
    I don’t care whom humans believe or does not believe any god, but they should all know being bad person & doing bad things in life is nothing but pain that they will suffer, guilt, see if god did not exists then why humans feel guilty of their sins & their crimes???
    Why humans feel bad after what bad they did???

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