Joe Rogan Experience #1658 – Neil deGrasse Tyson 3

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City, and host of StarTalk Radio. His newest book, “Cosmic Queries”, is available now.

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  1. If you had a space ship and put a nuke on it so it could expolode or what ever criteria to get and explosion in space to occure. Would the ship explosion be larger with the absince of friction or would it be less intense because the lac of pressure on the container?

  2. You notice how the higher in altittude the less pressure on an object? So relatively the lower you go the more intense the pressure? Well then you realize their are pressure berriors (like harmonic feequencies) were the atmospheric mediam( in erths situation water) pools of water are more dense versions of air at a certain threshold changing its state aka form. My example is a butain lighter the pressure of the gas form butain keeps the rest of the butain in ligued form. So i say all this because would space come with greater dementional platform capabilities, that may surpase our dementional perception receptors.

  3. You know how you know GODS real? Cuz the INFINITE TRANSENDING ALL INCLUSIVE MEANING, literaly built right in to the fabric of reality. GOD is an artist continuously expressing his beauty threw his creations in living life and life forms, every new addition being like a spice to a soup creating and adding to the flavor. Dont beleive me? How come resante frequencies exactly recreate focuse like when you focuse your vision from blurry to clear?

    1. Also proving martial arts is religion! The study of life to improve ones self. Mastering ones self so that our true self is what controls us not our cravings or urges or anything to take complete control of ones self and ones life to creat in life threw life as an artist of life and creation!!!

    2. You know why GOD is both known as THE DEVIL AND GOD? (Every religion that holds truth in practise is of GOD aka VALID.) imagine a VERY amazingly good creating person stands befor GOD and GOD thanks him and rwads him, now the next guy to stand befor GOD has created horrable bad energy in life, an angrey almight creator would now become the scariest being ever to stand befor you, that person walks away calling GOD THE DEVIL. Ying and yang baby, peices is the sign of ying and yang! Its all connected and explaining the same thing life and what you can do with and in it.

    3. You dont realy know what form GODS gona take to play this game called life, but when you think you know so dose he

    4. Lol Neil you realize your agrument for why aliens examining humans and their reproductive organs, right just concider what you said? Now how diffrent is that from the way humans treat animals? Pets and live stock included?

    5. Plants actualy are the most efficient forms of life (at least to my lnowledge ) to onsume and utalize energy, the concept is they are most effciemt than be eatin which their would have been a lose of ebergy on the transfer, then the transfer from herbavor to carnivor theirs another lose of energy threw transfer

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