Jennifer Lopez, a renowned singer and actress, made headlines by showcasing her sculpted abs outside a Hamptons gym, following her separation from Ben Affleck on their second wedding anniversary. Sporting a white bralette and mauve sweats, Lopez exited the gym with manager Benny Medina, the pair driving off in a vintage Mercedes Benz. Despite recent sightings without her wedding ring, Lopez wore her distinctive green diamond engagement ring and wedding band during a bike ride marking their two-year elopement anniversary. Affleck, meanwhile, remained in Los Angeles for work, captured in a gray suit at his office. Lopez spent time with Affleck’s daughter Violet in Southampton, bonding over meals and browsing antiques. Reports suggest strains in their relationship, with sources speculating on the couple’s future. Insiders claim Affleck has contemplated divorce, citing challenges in the marriage, while Lopez feels she has exhausted efforts to salvage it. Amidst rumors, the couple is selling their $68 million Beverly Hills mansion, purchased in 2023 for $60 million, adding to the intrigue surrounding their personal and professional lives.

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