Jennifer Lopez, turning 55 soon, kept her ring finger out of sight during a solo outing in the Hamptons, hinting at trouble in her marriage with Ben Affleck amid swirling divorce rumors. Just days after hosting a lavish “Bridgerton” themed soirée, Lopez was seen in Long Island sporting a pink sports bra and white cardigan. Despite celebrating her birthday with a festive lunch at Arthur & Sons, Affleck was notably absent. Lopez, joined by family and manager Benny Medina, expressed emotions while recounting her past. Earlier, she celebrated with a glamorous soirée where guests arrived in Regency attire. Meanwhile, Affleck, 51, was in Los Angeles for business, sparking speculation as the couple missed their second wedding anniversary. Sources claim their relationship has been rocky for months, though neither has publicly addressed it. Lopez continues to captivate attention amidst personal turmoil, raising questions about the future of her marriage and career.
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