Difficulties await on the most unexpected roads, so you have to be prepared to take the challenge on and avoid danger on the way. Watch this review of these incredible driving skills, and tell us what you think. Enjoy!
Douyin: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAGeLsfq3aYR_C2J54Xu9lSJXM-HhIvQEK2Dbo0mtOsQ4
Douyin2: ID: 8888leng
Ixigua: https://www.ixigua.com/home/111081802088/
Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.
Do not try this by yourself. The actions in the video are performed by professionals. Quantum Tech HD accepts no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any injury or death caused by attempts to recreate what is seen in this video.
Elon Musk take note with your self-driving cars.
7:52 он вклинил кирпич между правым передним колесом и стенкой, но когда колесо отьехало, кирпич не упал а остался на стенке.
И когда это его там приклеили?
7:52 he wedged a brick between the right front wheel and the wall, but when the wheel moved away, the brick did not fall but remained on the wall.
And when was it glued there?
Now i see why he went off the road at 6:20 , that tire is completely bald!! Also, some of these are just stupid, like the 97 point turn, just back out the driveway! Or the 2 cars on a narrow road?! Simply say: “just back up asshole!!” Most people will try these and have disastrous results, seriously.