How The US Voted In Every Election, From George Washington To Donald Trump | Business Insider 6

The United States has had 60 presidential elections starting in 1789. New parties have come and gone, while new states expanded the electoral map. Maps show us how each state has voted over time — and who have been the winners and losers along the way.

0:00 – Intro
0:28 – First Party System (1792-1824)
1:30 – Second Party System (1828-1854)
2:40 – Third Party System (1854-1895)
5:46 – The Early 1900s (Progressive Era)
7:14 – Fifth Party System – FDR/New Deal Coalition
9:48 – Sixth Party System (1964-present)
16:42 – Credits

How Can Polls Actually Be Getting Better? | Insider Docs | Business Insider

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Why Professional Colored Pencils Cost 14 Times More Than Crayola | So Expensive | Business Insider

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How The US Voted In Every Election, From George Washington To Donald Trump | Insider Docs

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  1. If you elect a clown, you get a circus.” Never has a political metaphor hit closer to home. What’s unfolding in the lead-up to this new administration isn’t a cabinet—it’s a troupe of self-absorbed performers, trading expertise for blind zeal and unwavering loyalty to the Trump cult. The qualifications? A willingness to kneel at the altar of a man whose greatest skill is captivating an audience, no matter how low they have to stoop for him.

    This is the America where backwoods populism writes the script and global leadership takes a backseat. It’s like watching a grotesque theater production that becomes more absurd with each act. Welcome to the big top, where the applause drowns out reason and the American dream fades under the glare of the spotlight. So, let’s roll out the red carpet for the “greatest show on earth.” Enjoy the spectacle.

  2. I don’t understand how people are saying the last 5 minutes or so are biased? The commentator gives no opinions and only states facts throughout the entirety of the video. I had to rewatch that last part and still don’t see it. Someone please tell me how anything stated wasn’t objective.

  3. The democrat party knew they couldn’t win this time around. Biden was exposed during the debate and it was too late to recover. Their strategy was genius. By making Biden drop out, that forced Kamala in towards a certain defeat. Thus eliminating the Kamala problem because she’ll never be backed again. Thus leaving next election open to a possible contender.

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