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The Wintergatan Holy Grail Divider Video:
Tom Stanton’s Generator:
Here are a bunch of articles about different renewable energy storage systems in the works:
My 3D Printers:
Bambu Lab:
This is the Laser Cutter I use for all my projects:
This is the filament I use for all my projects:
I also have a Patreon if you want to see some exclusive behind the scenes content:
The electric screwdriver I used to assemble and disassemble this thing many times is a game changer:
Can you harvest the energy of falling marbles to charge a phone? In this video, I take you through the incredibly complex engineering process required to answer this simple question. From converting a stepper motor into a working generator using a full bridge rectifier, to powering this generator with a marble-paddle wheel, to feeding the paddle wheel with hundreds of marbles- there were some interesting challenges I encountered along the way, and some satisfying solutions.
This is probably the world’s least efficient way to store energy, but it might be the most fun.
Call me stupid but if moving magnets past wire is what generates electricity, and given that the balls spend a bunch of time moving down the machine, wouldn’t it be better to replace the balls with magnets and wrap a big section of the machine in wire?
It’s really satisfying when you explain a problem and show us a smart solution seconds later. Fantastic video!
I though it just gonna drop into a bucket and you manually pour the marbles on top of the mechanism. That way you convert food to potential energy of the marbles
You wasted so much energy while making this video.
This video contains highly unreliable mechanism of generation of energy.
Your degree is waste.
And quite possibly the loudest energy storage system 😉