Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Hollywood Staffers Spill The Tea On Their Celebrity Bosses

Even famous people have a few skeletons in their closets, despite how glamorous they may appear as they walk down the red carpet. Fortunately, some of their personal staff have revealed information about what occurs inside the A-lister mansions. When you have staff around you 24/7, they get to know you pretty intimately.

Celebrities have to be so careful with which secrets get leaked to the press, one thing they don’t seem to have control over is their maids. And if there’s one person who knows everything there is to know about what happens behind closed doors in a celebrity household, it’s their home staff.

From The Kardashian’s housekeepers airing their dirty laundry, revealing what it’s really like to keep up with the Kardashians! To most of Jennifer Lopez’s staff turning on her to reveal how much of a diva she really is! These assistants, stylists, and staffers worked for A-list celebs in the past, and it seems as though they’re not quite as perfect as they seem.


0:00 INTRO
0:16 Kim’s Cleaner
1:08 Kourtney’s Staff
1:59 JLo’s Chauffeur
2:54 JLo Flight Attendant
3:29 Ariana’s Assistant
4:13 Kristen’s Cleaner
4:42 JLo’s Former Staff
5:27 Ryan’s Housekeepers
5:51 Miley’s Former Housekeepers
6:46 The Beckham’s Nanny
7:27 Selena’s Personal Assistant
7:57 Angelina’s Housekeepers
8:33 Taylor’s Staff
9:22 Reese’s Staff
9:49 END

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Written by: Brooke Chong
Narrated by: LanessaVO
Edited by: Carolina Jimenez Franco

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20 thoughts on “Hollywood Staffers Spill The Tea On Their Celebrity Bosses”
  1. Wow, whenever I come on the comments, I’m really surprised to see how many people are filled with jealousy hate i’m so disappointed in our society if we don’t like it so what what difference does that make try to say something nice it makes you feel better and you become a better person. By the way these people are getting paid by professionals if they don’t like it, get another job, they didn’t do good work that’s why they were treated that way and by the way they don’t have a person who hires anybody I’m just saying think a different way sophisticated thinker does not try to destroy something. It figures a way to make it better try some sophistication.

  2. This doesn’t surprise about Reece Witherspoon, she comes across a really nice lady in all the interviews etc I have seen her in

  3. Jlo is far too full of herself. She’s washed up & Ben is sick of her arrogance.

  4. I don’t understand how these people are so rude and disrespectful?
    They bleed like the rest of us, the women have the XY chromosomes like the rest of us women.

  5. No Doesn’t surprise me at all. They’re too wrapped up in themselves.

  6. These so called stars are just rude spoiled narcissists who are completely worthless. I will never purchase a thing they promote. Just a bunch of no talent jerks.

  7. umm so it’s only Ms. Taylor that I have respect for feeding the stray cat / neighbor cat. maybe her housekeeper never had a cat before

  8. She worked harder than everyone else, meanwhile she doesn’t sing her own music

  9. Sad state of affairs when people become obsessed by complete and utter morons like the Kardashians. 👎🥱

  10. If I had money like they all do i wouldn’t pick up anything. But dog s*** that’s just gross😮

  11. So Jlo is the only person on the plant that works hard?! She’s ridiculous.

  12. The end of Egoists starting with Trump, kardashians/ Jenner, J- Lo PDiddy , J- Z all going down ! 😅😅😅

  13. Start cleaning your own house start taking care of your kids your nit better than the people you hire to take care of your off spring 😅😅😅

  14. Ummm Kristen can smoke anywhere in her own house because it’s HER HOUSE! 😳.

  15. The cigarette thing with Kristen Stewart 🤢 I loved the Ryan Gosling tidbits 😂

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