Inspired by the Chainsaw series, which has already achieved cult status, and the parody of his parody, the blend of comedy and horror genre tells the story of a Thracian serial killer. In the movie Hayrettin and Hayati, the movie about two Thracian farmers living in the same village opened their eyes in the basement of a village house one day and started playing games with a voice recording of a serial killer who said to his victims that ‘The game is not played, it is played today’. In this alternative horror-comedy decorated with jokes peculiar to Türkrol, a master actor like the valuable cinematographer Erol Günaydın, who we recently lost, brings the character of Hazim Dede to life.
Director: Gürcan Yurt, Ahmet Uygun
Cast: Tuna Orhan, Volkan Demirok, Erol Günaydın
Genre: Comedy
Year: 2008
#ComedyMovie #FullMovie #SubtitlesMovie