Fish Bombers & The City With No Water | Unreported World: Malaysia & Pakistan | Free Documentary 3

Unreported World: Malaysian Fish Bombers & Pakistan’s City With No Water | Free Documentary

Unreported World – Fleeing Poverty in Venezuela & One Way Ticket to Gangland in El Salvador:

00:00:00 Malaysia – Fish Bombers
Ben Zand travels to the northern coast of Borneo, a part of the world famed for its coral and fish.  However, over-fishing and the use of explosives to kill fish are creating an environmental disaster that’s destroying traditional ways of living.

00:23:43 Pakistan – The City With No Water
Unreported World is in Pakistan to reveal how thousands of families living in its richest city, Karachi, are suffering from chronic water shortages as a result of climate change, mismanagement, corrupt officials, and criminal gangs. Their eye-opening report shows how drastic the situation has become, with families running out of supplies and sometimes having to spend half their salary buying water illegally from criminals – or wait up night after night to see if community water taps will be turned on for a few hours.
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  1. 00:00:00 Malaysia – Fish Bombers
    Ben Zand travels to the northern coast of Borneo, a part of the world famed for its coral and fish. However overfishing and the use of explosives to kill fish are creating an environmental disaster that’s destroying traditional ways of living.
    00:23:43 Pakistan – The City With No Water
    Unreported World is in Pakistan to reveal how thousands of families living in its richest city, Karachi, are suffering from chronic water shortages as a result of climate change, mismanagement, corrupt officials and criminal gangs.This eye-opening report shows how drastic the situation has become, with families running out of supplies sometimes having to spend half their salary buying water illegally from criminals – or wait up night after night to see if community water taps will be turned on for a couple of hours.

  2. Yes it is cheaoer to buy more clothijg becayse tou will need more water to wash the soiled clothing. When you have limited water you have to choose wether to use it for drinking or washing hands or using the bathroom or washing clothing. You have to decide the priority and priority is drinking water and then cleaning yourself after usinf bathroom

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