First, a look at UATX: the college advocating for free speech. Then, a report on how training AI takes a toll on Kenyan workers. And, why lowrider cars are celebrated as a cultural symbol.

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  1. 1

    Humans in the Loop: It is perplexing that some workers are complaining after being offered jobs. If they find the work undesirable, feel underpaid, or believe the job is beneath them, they should not have accepted the position in the first place. American companies have provided employment opportunities, yet these individuals then accuse the corporations of modern-day slavery, exploitation, and inequality – a complete disgust. Rather than making such accusations, these workers should be grateful for the jobs American companies have brought to their countries. If the companies were to withdraw, the workers would likely lament the lack of available jobs. American corporations do not owe these individuals anything; it is akin to accepting a job at Walmart, agreeing to the wages, and then protesting in the company’s parking lot a week later.

  2. 2

    ‘Universities should teach about politics, politics shouldn’t be the operating system’ – Well said. Merit based education is so necessary.

  3. 3

    So, Ferguson claims an administrator received an email per day demanding someone be fired for speech. How many were actually fired, Neil? There are Karens everywhere, you may be one.

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