Coronavirus: Russia now has second highest virus case total – BBC News 3

Russia has confirmed 232,000 cases of coronavirus – the second highest toll in the world after the US.

In the last 24 hours the country has reported 10,899 infections, the tenth consecutive day that number has been above 10,000.

Among the infected is President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, local media report.

He is the latest high profile official to test positive, after Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin caught the illness.

The news comes the day after President Putin eased the country’s lockdown. Factory and construction workers returned to work on Tuesday, though Mr Putin gave regions freedom to set restrictions depending on local circumstances.

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  1. Admittedly in this and other documentaries and archives these deadly viral forms of warfare have been known of since the 1960’s and our major warnings began with a series of warnings from the Universe with a series that began with SARS and others like Swine Bird and Ebola, to name a few !

    And while I rant below on what could have should have been done

    YESTERDAY IS HISTORY – though could be a good resource to learn from

    TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY if it even comes for our children – it’s is certainly no more a promise in less we act now !

    we must act and use this gift with speed and haste!

    It is CRIMINAL that we have paid so called Global organizations such as the least appropriately named
    While during their expense lunches and years of inaction

    I hope they each own the responsibility when one of their own is infected as they clearly gave not a care for the masses !

    Even more criminal – our own flobal governments and Politicians – mostly backed by the Munitions s Power/Energy Big Pharma and other faceless money making tax avoiding job cutting companies have continued their trillions of dollar business without any regulation or responsibility to invest in real threats just churn out the addictive money makers – they are the ones who will thrive from the ‘cure’ vaccine’
    Is this the democracy we fought for!,?

    Now that when enough outdated passé wars are not created the weapons industry mainly a secret society – are allowed to pedal their death to the mentally deranged to kill our precious children in schools and hard working people with real injuries like a nurse in the ER who is injured is now a junkie – or a construction worker injured and in pain have now become junkies due to drugs like Oxy! Just so these leeches can keep their multiple mansions yachts and power!

    Not a single government not pre election political hopeful TO THIS DAY has included a mandate nor a plan for the inevitability of this current crisis!

    Not a thought for your, our or even their own family’s protection prevention or treatment of this new form of deadly war fare which was predicted by Nostradamus centuries ago!

    Instead of inhibiting the spread of the virus by building isolation areas and separating regular low immune patients with other disease – cancer did not take a holiday whenever Covid came along!

    – or even better – give the cruise industry some much needed business and isolate patients on ships away from other regular patients with lower immune systems like cancer etc in our hospitals and protect our healthcare system – not the hospital revenues !

    What did we do !?! Instead of using military facilities for disembarkation Iof suspect air and cruise passengers – like the one deserted in Key West – no let’s process them through highly populated urban areas –

    How could we allow this process of suspection infected persons to parade through the heavily oil pupated areas of miami Fort Lauderdale and New York to return home to normalcy until they became ill and in contact with thousands!

    Even worse we continue to allow our worst most redundant yet deadly piece of equipment in every day use – one which should never have been invented or allowed to be manufactured – thankfully some areas have banned


    The blast from these dastardly machines pulverized all forms of pollution remnants of bird and canine rat and feline fecal matter into micro particles which bounce up into the air, get caught up by the air currents and lung as an invisible cloak of death proven to instigate new disease like IPF and aggravate the suffering of COPD Asthma and other Lung disease.we are all slowly suffocating!

    Now they are responsible for ACCELERATING the spread of Coronavirus by multiples of at least thousands than by the simple more efficient task of raking or even vacuuming – think about it a Covid infected or asymptotic carrier discards polluted litter, along comes our friendly leaf blower operator dressed like he is facing the plague – ear muffs face masks – joggers happily running by unprepared and unprotected while the pressure from blast of the air allows the virus to bounce of its receptacle become airborne and floats around in our air currents for days weeks while the unsuspecting public nhale and become infected many times more efficiently than shaking hand!

    I asked a for support for this ban for many years and a person in management – a man – (most are born without a very important gene – it’s called the common sense gene) told me not to worry my pretty head and keep washing my hands when asked for support ! I’m talking inhalation and The response is to keep washing my hands ! Need I say more?
    And I’m the Blonde!!!!

    So Jack and Jill public – get off your lazy backsides and call for action and responsibility and get them off the streets!
    Furthermore it is documented that these particles inhaled by our precious children and our future prevent the full development of major organs.

    I have personally fought cities like Fort Lauderdale who use them in the Beach sidewalks at 4-5 am – not for the incessant noise but because I lost my mother to IPF and my allergies are intolerable whilst they are in use !

    Where is your backbone world!

    Demand more prevention – preparation – and have the financial institutions who ruined us back in the first decade now offer support in suspension of credit reporting and offer of interest free credit to faithful customers who just got back o.n Their feet after your last fiasco – which another faceless corporate criminal act no one paid for – but a hard worker lost employment and goes to jail for stealing food!

    Restrict the media to factual advice

    Media stop sensationalization of this criminal – if we kept perpetrators identities secret they would have no motive for crime – it’s their five minutes of fame!

    We also now know. that what we focus upon is what is drawn to us – so you too are responsible for the spread –

    We must stop watching all but educational Covid news!

    We have enough reality bring back feel good fantasy programs not violence death and destruction !

    Why do we all continue to allow these form of abuse and slavery from faceless Corporations who take our hard earned dollars and give us Back death either in this type of drastic mass murder or by slow painful death of our precious time waiting on hold for many hours wait to speak with a human to fix their inefficient services we pay through the nose for! Instead of focusing on our families!

    Ban lobbying ! If not force these faceless corporations with no conscience to fund the same amount they spend for their bribery to achieve their own ends towards the public sector in border we can challenge their intentions and have an unbiased form of policing!

    And for the record. – I am not alone in disbelief at our Former President Trumps’ so called speedy recovery from the virus – it’ was probably just another legend in his mind – while the Emperor strutted around in his imaginary gold suit when in actual fact he wore no clothes! Paid no taxes!

    One last thought – in this past 100 years never would it have been thought possible to live such a privileged lifestyle every day task lightened by products of comfort and ease –

    But these privileges have brought no happiness for most – stars and the rich walk with miserable faces mental health is an all time high depression and disease – our planet in tatters is the only part healing in this chaos!

    Thank you for your kind attention if only one person reads this and passes it on we might have a fighting chance!

  2. Je suis tellement excité de partager mes témoignages sur le bon travail du Dr WISE qui a guéri mon virus de l’herpès avec ses herbes, je n’ai jamais pensé que je vivrai sur terre avant la fin de l’année. Je souffre d’un virus mortel de l’herpès (HVS) depuis (3) ans maintenant; J’avais dépensé beaucoup d’argent pour aller d’un hôpital à un autre à la recherche d’un moyen de me débarrasser de cette maladie, l’hôpital était ma résidence quotidienne. Les contrôles constants ont été mon passe-temps jusqu’à ce jour fidèle, je cherchais sur Internet, j’ai vu un témoignage sur la façon dont le Dr WISE a aidé quelqu’un à guérir son virus de l’herpès en utilisant ses herbes médicinales, rapidement j’ai copié son email juste pour lui donner un test je lui ai parlé, il m’a demandé une préparation aux herbes, dont j’ai fait exactement ce qu’il m’avait demandé de faire, il m’a dit qu’il allait me fournir la cure d’herbes, ce qu’il a fait, peu quelques jours après mon retour dans le même hôpital qui m’avait précédemment confirmé positif au virus de l’herpès et cette fois, le résultat m’a déclaré négatif au virus mortel du virus de l’herpès …. alors j’ai décidé de partager mon témoignage, que rien n’est impossible à Dieu , Dieu a utilisé un homme pour me guérir. Peu importe ce que vous traversez, peu importe à quel point la maladie est mortelle et quelle que soit la situation, Dieu qui a fait la mienne va encore faire le vôtre, souffrant du SIDA, aussi, vih / sida, copid, asthme .. Cancer, tout type de maladie, vous pouvez le riche maintenant via +2349063191711 ou numéro WhatsApp +2349063191711

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