Ebro in the Morning discusses the latest trending topics during the Flashing Lights segment.
Topics Include:
– Cesar Peña Speaks Out On Tik Tok Live To Address Scamming Allegations
#EbrointheMorning #HOT97
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I fucks with Cesar and Lucchie heavy. Tekashi vibes!
Envy was promoting Pina 24/7/365 and as others have pointed out, why would he be giving away all that airtime for free? If he wasn’t getting a cut, what was the reason for the hype?
This man knew tf was going on. If he didnt know what was happen. How did he get in his position today. As radio host, DJ, influnencer? Clearly he dumb right? Y’all said. No. He knew. No dumb or stupid person wouldnt have that position today. He know what he was doing.