“Call Northside 777” is a 1948 film noir drama directed by Henry Hathaway. The movie stars James Stewart as a Chicago reporter who is assigned to cover the story of a man serving a life sentence for murder. The reporter becomes convinced of the man’s innocence and sets out to prove it by calling Northside 777, the number for the prison where the man is being held.
Through his investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption and political influence that threatens to derail his pursuit of the truth. The film is a tense and gripping story of crime, justice, and the power of persistence.
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“Call Northside 777” is considered a good movie for several reasons:
**Strong direction: The film is directed by the highly regarded Henry Hathaway, known for his mastery of the film noir genre.
**Compelling story: The story of a reporter’s quest to prove a man’s innocence against all odds is both suspenseful and thought-provoking.
**Excellent acting: James Stewart’s performance as the reporter is praised for its subtlety and nuance.
**Cinematography: The film features strong cinematography that captures the gritty, atmospheric world of 1950s Chicago.
**Timeless themes: The movie deals with timeless themes such as corruption, justice, and the power of the press, making it relevant and resonant even today.
**Overall, “Call Northside 777” is a well-crafted and powerful film that continues to captivate audiences decades after its release.
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I did my english final on Jimmy Stewart. He was a true American. One interesting piece of trivia about him is he was a pilot and a war hero and barely made weight for the Air Force. He was also adamant about no publicity regarding his service.
Chicago, has been one of the most usa corrupt cities since 1833. The film parallels the true story of a Chicago reporter who proved that a man jailed for murder was wrongly convicted 11 years before.
In late 60s. I had a saw Jimmy Stewart in Ft. Collin’s, Colo bookstore. We ended up chatting for 10 -,15 minutes in the bookstore, It was delightful and quite memorable.
En castellano
I have seen this movie three times beginning when I was just a boy about 60 years ago. I remember how this movie touched me because it championed righteousness. The truth always prevails but evil tries to hide the truth under a basket of darkness. I spent my life campaigning for the truth, exposing wickedness in high places, often at great personal cost. Now I am 70. Perhaps I won’t be around much longer. But I like to think that my LORD GOD has watched my efforts to uphold and represent the truth in all things. I hope that when I stand before HIM that HE is proud of me. My good works would be in vain without the shed blood of JESUS CHRIST that makes me noble in spite of my sin and imperfections.