Black Fox tells the story of two “”blood”” brothers, Alan (Christopher Reeve, “”Superman””) and Britt Johnson — one a former plantation owner, the other his childhood friend whom he freed from slavery. The former slave affects peace between Native American tribes and homesteaders in 1860s western Texas.
#freemovies #fullmovies #western #christopherreeve
Killer movie
soundtrack is horrible, i skipped thru and the ending is lamer than lame.. read the book, it’s way different. where’s the puke emoji?
At about 33:00, one woman says “don’t fire unless they try to break into the house.” STUPID. They have rifles and a shotgun. Kill/wound 3, 4, 5, or 6 of the attackers and you may not have to worry about an attack on the house… or torching the barn. — Just plain STUPID.
In spite of my previous Comments, THIS is a Very Good movie. It is a pleasure to see Christopher Reeve. — THIS movie is perhaps one of his best roles as an Actor. — Actor TONY TODD (as Britt Johnson)… ALSO… deserves accolades for making this movie what it is: Very Heart-Warming.
God bless BOTH of those men.