This acclaimed BBC adaptation of Evelyn Waugh’s (Brideshead Revisited) novel follows Paul Pennyfeather (Jack Whitehall, Fresh Meat), an unassuming Oxford theology student whose expulsion finds him working under headmaster Fagan (David Suchet, Poirot) at a third-rate private school in Wales. “A hoot and a riot” –The Mail on Sunday. #AcornTV #DeclineandFall
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Why don’t some of the actors (including the lead ) speak the lines instead of almost whisper them? Is it a stupid fashion ? Very fake. No one speaks like that in real life.
From the trailer it appears to be very unfaithful to the novel.
hugely so. Far inferior. Unwatchable
oh my effin goodness
this was spectacular!
absolute belter
10/10 well worth a watch, more please sir, please & thank you x
i don’t know if i ever read the novel….. i don’t care! superb tv