Donald Trump refused to rule out using military force to acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal at a press conference.

While the president-elect appeared to rule out the possibility when it came to Canada, Trump did say he would use “economic force” to annex Canada and described their shared border as “an artificially drawn line”.

The Americast team analyse how seriously the world should take Trump’s threats, and what they indicate about his strategy when he takes office this January.

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  1. 1

    What I am asking myself is this, is it for Trump that he wants to be seen in the media or is it that he really means it but people take it as a joke and he does it for real and people laughing then realize when it’s too late

  2. 3

    I wonder what Russia and Japan have to say about the future President’s plans to forcefully annex Canada and Greenland. Russia because they’re doing it to Ukraine. And Japan because they’re experienced in knowing what life is like as a vasal country. This is a rare instance where USA’s leader is inspired by an opposition country’s actions. He saw Russia grab the opportunity to annex, got inspired and now he has own plans to annex. It’s usually the other way around. The world copies what USA does.

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