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  1. 2

    I definitely agree that all that music you mentioned is great, but I would say on average the other years of the 70s just had more good music released per capita. Compared to say, 1977 or 1972 it just can’t compete and the high amount of cheesy pop seems higher. I do agree that in terms of the worst year it’s probably somewhere in the early 60s. Honestly though I don’t think I could do a video about that because it would require listening to that supremely corny ass music… so I picked 1974! The Beach Boys in that era are definitely not good but you should listen to their 70s stuff. Songs like Sail On Sailor, Feel Flows and Surfs Up are stone cold classics that have none of the cheesiness of their earlier stuff. Definitely check those out.

    Thanks for the very considered and intelligent comment btw. I really enjoyed reading it and thanks for being so respectful even though you disagreed with me. I made this video sort of a while ago and I’ve changed a lot since then.

  2. 3

    @@djspoongoon4104 hey no problem, dude! I have no problem respectfully disagreeing with viewpoints as far as music goes, and yeah, I really can’t blame you for not wanting to subject yourself to the cheese fest of the early 60s. Lol

    And yeah, I just might check some of those 70s beach boys songs out you mentioned. I’ve heard a clip of one them before, and it kinda reminds me of yacht rock which I’m also a fan of.

  3. 4

    It might’ve been bad for pop music, but when 1974 has albums like Relayer, Red, The Lamb, and many other prog rock masterpieces it becomes hard for me to not like it. Also, for the most part prog rock was the best genre of this year. I’m just not a fan of Queen so I didn’t like Sheer Heart Attack, Bowie is a good artist and Diamond Dogs was ok, and it’s the same with Steely Dan’s Pretzel Logic, Clapton’s 461 Ocean Boulevard, and Roxy Music’s Country Life. And Big Star and Lynyrd Skynyrd are also bad, but I would agree that On the Beach is one of Neil Young’s best albums.

    • 5

      That makes sense, I’m not a big prog listener so I didn’t really take those into account. I agree with you on Queen I’ve never been a huge fan of theirs, but I am curious – what’s your beef with Big Star?

    • 6

      @@djspoongoon4104I just never really got into their music. They just have a bit too much pop influences in their music (there is some pop stuff I like though)

  4. 7

    Too many soft rock songs, pop country, gimmick songs, and silly songs: The Streak, Kung Fu Fighting, in the UK resurgence of 50s nostalgia with 70s glam on coat tails.

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